Custom Codes

Help Version: 3.15 - 23/MAR/2021

Custom Code Description

Custom Code

Builder's Heaven Custom Code are the most comfortable way to save your CODE SNIPPETS into a file. Usually those code snippets achieve a specific task and must be copied into the final code as they are. Custom code provide an easy-to-use way to insert in your final source a list of code lines distributed in correspondence of the CUSTOM TAGS (see below).

To enable a custom code check the corresponding row.

When you enter a new Custom Code (Create/Edit function), the M.P.S.C. will be analized and a new file with all Custom Tags will be created for you. Now get your best code (that you want to save for future uses) and put it after one (or many) custom tags. At last give a descritpion to this custom code that represent the functionality of the code block.

Here follows the list of every control:

  • List Click: Select a Custom Code and enable Status Radio button and other specific controls
  • List Double-Click: Create/Edit selected Custom Code
  • Search Box: Filter the list looking for the search argument
  • Create/Edit Custom Code: Select a line from the Custom Codes list and press this button to create a new Custom Code or to edit a previous one. You can also Double Click the Line.
  • Refresh List: reload the entire list and provide update of titles and columns data.
  • Select/Deselect All: Enable or Disable all check boxes.
  • Verify Custom Code: verify the Tags of your selected custom code against those inside M.P.S.C. . This prevent Generating error. Note that inside Advanced Options
  • there is a flag for automatically do this check when you confirm the panel.
  • Rows: Increase or decrease the number of shows lines.
  • Status Radio Button: Change the status of the current selected Custom Code. Status is in charge to the user. Red is usually bad, and green is ok.
  • Delete Selected: This button remove from your drive the selected custom codes.

Custom Code Technical guide

BH Registered

To open a Custom Code double click upon a "custom line" or select it and press the Edit Button.

desc_custom=My First Custom Code
Author=John Wayne

The first part of Custom Code represent a series of Key To Value with all the information that you can see in the List of Custom Codes. Ignoring the descriptive parts that identify your custom code note that AppyK2VConversion can assume "ON" if you custom code is require to be processed by Key To Value Conversions (i.e. you are using Keys inside the code), or "OFF" if the code is already ok.

A second part delimited by separator works as a descriptive header with configuring instructions.

Finally the third part is the real code of Custom Codes.


Those strange lines are the "CUSTOM TAGS".

IMPORTANT NOTE: you will find those CUSTOM TAGS both in your custom code file and also inside the M.P.S.C. . Placing them with criteria inside M.P.S.C. , between the various section of your code matrix, allows you to access the various part of your program. You can create as many custom code tags as you wish inside M.P.S.C. and then edit the final content inside the custom code files.

Here a small example of how to insert your code inside CUSTOM CODE.
Example (HTML language in Custom Code):

<!-- Custom Code € inserted this CSS... -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" type="text/css" media="all" />


Here a small example of a CUSTOM TAG inside the M.P.S.C. (while the other Custom tags above are placed elsewhere).
Example (HTML language in M.P.S.C. ):

H  *      <!-- CSS FILES -->
H         <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="css/style.css" /> <!-- Base style -->
H  *      <!-- JAVASCRIPT INIT -->

NOTE: there are some rules to insert CUSTOM TAGS inside the M.P.S.C. :

  1. The CUSTOM TAG must be preceeded by a FLAG1 character (i.e. "H") because they have a global scope. Knows issue: if you put CUSTOM TAG after a FLAGS3 characters (i.e. "HAA", "HAB", etc) the content of the custom code get wrong and will be repeated for all iterations of the FLAGS3.
  2. The CUSTOM TAG starts at column 1 with this syntax: [LANGUAGEID CUSTOM your_free_dynamic_part]
  3. The CUSTOM TAG inside M.P.S.C. must correspond to the CUSTOM TAGS inside custom codes files
  4. The CUSTOM TAG is unique per M.P.S.C.

The result after generating the program should be like this:
Example of GENERATED PROGRAM (HTML language in output file):

<!-- CSS FILES -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="css/style.css" /> <!-- Base style -->

<!-- Custom Code € inserted this CSS... -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" type="text/css" media="all" />


WildCard: using the Language Iterable Char (for example €) inside the Custom Code will became the corresponding Custom Code Number. This is useful to resolve unique names programmatically. In the previous example the line:

Example (HTML language): <!-- Custom Code € inserted this Javascript... -->
<script src="js/functions.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

became in case of Custom Code number 2...

Example (HTML language): <!-- Custom Code 2 inserted this Javascript... -->
<script src="js/functions.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
